My favourite things about Autumn

I’ve seen this topic floating around the blogosphere recently and thought I’d join in. Take a look at the lovely blog post by Louise here.


  1. Catching the last bits of sunshine, it seems such a treat to be able to catch a few rays, even if it’s only for a little while. Of course, the Vitamin D does you good (there’s a reason we feel better when it’s sunny!).
  2. Soup. I could have just stopped at that as I love soup so much. It’s warming and nourishing and can be decadent (wine and cheese soup anyone?) or simply nutritious (leek and potato-yum).
  3. Hot chocolate, you can, of course, have this throughout the year and I thoroughly recommend it, but curling up with a delicious hot chocolate and a good book is pure bliss.
  4. Crunching leaves! I love to walk through the crisp fallen leaves, marvelling at the colour and thoroughly enjoying the sound.
  5. The gorgeous colours, the last bits of summer greenness as they merge into the beautiful oranges, yellows and browns. If you get the chance to stop and look at the trees around you do, they really are a marvel to behold.
  6. Listening to the rain at night, I find this incredibly soothing.
  7. Being grateful for how fortunate I am to have a clean, warm and loving home to live in.
  8. Log fires. The only bit I don’t like is cleaning them up the next day!
  9. Reading- I get even more done at this time of year.
  10. Stews, casseroles, mashed potatoes and other homely foods.
  11. Coats, coats and more coats. I have far too many coats but love wrapping up warm with my scarf, gloves and hat.
  12. Tights! Oh, how I have missed you. I absolutely love my tights and could easily own a pair in every colour known to man.
  13. Evenings in with friends.
  14. Baking- pumpkin pie, crumbles, this is the perfect time of year for them.
  15. Bonfires and baked potatoes. If you don’t get the link, then you are missing out! See also treacle toffee and Tiffin.
  16. My favourite TV shows coming back and the dark nights are perfect excuses to watch them.
  17. Speaking of which, this is a great time of year to go the cinema, escape the cold and snuggle up watching a film (or at home).
  18. Hot water bottles, I am definitely an old soul!
  19. Winter pyjamas.
  20. The crispness of the air, pretending to be a dragon (fog breath!) and walking on and admiring the morning frost.

Do you like this time of year? Or do you have another preferred season? Let me know in the comments below.



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