
The time has come to say goodbye to booksandbrooches but don’t worry I’m not disappearing from the blogging world! Instead I’m moving on to a new adventure which can be found at https://everydayjoyandme.com/

Thank you for your support and I hope you come and join me at everydayjoyandme

Music Monday- The Killers

This week’s Music Monday is a short but sweet one, four songs from The Killer’s first album Hot Fuss. Listening to these always make me think of summer and being carefree! Literal songs of my youth.

As a bonus (but not available on Spotify) check out this cover of Bette Davis Eyes, I’m obsessed.

Enjoy some more Music Monday Goodness Music Monday-Rock the ipodĀ and Music updates

Science Saturday- Animals Behaving Badly

This weeks Science Saturday is all about the brilliant BBC special ‘Animals Behaving Badly’. It’s a three-part series presented by the fantastic Liz Bonnin on the innovative and mischievous behaviours that help animals mate, get food and survive. I find documentaries about animals and their adaptations fascinating, it used to be one of my favourite topics to teach. This series showcases the sheer ingenuity of the creatures that share this planet with us and how they have adapted in order to survive.

You can catch it on iplayer here.

There’s some truly outrageous behaviour on display lying, cheating, cannibalism and promiscuity!I’ve picked a couple to show you (minus any spoilers) and these beautiful photographs are from the BBC website.

If this is something you’re interested in I’d also highly recommend the Odd Couple series which is also available on catchup or my favourite, the documentary on frogs, which I wrote more about here.

The fertility cycle of the female Prairie dog is only 6 hours long! So she has to use her time wisely.

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The praying mantis female has an unusual fertility diet, just be glad she’s not asking you out on a date.

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These monkeys have a rather unusual way to apologise.

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The reason why Tigers are orange is fascinating.

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Boxer crabs may well be beautiful but they are lethal fighters.